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13 min. readlast update: 05.17.2024

General Voicemail

By default, we will set the reception phone as the main mailbox for your business unless otherwise told. Most offices, the reception will handle the bulk of the calls and sort it out to the best person in the company. If you don’t want the reception to be the main voicemail for the company, we can easily change this. Please email us at support@key2.ca and we can make the change for you remotely.

Default access Code

For new extensions, you will not have a "pin" set. Once you have your phone, you can press the voicemail icon on your phone and it will do a quick walkthrough to set up your name and create a pin code. You can change your access code anytime you want. If you forget the access code, you’ll have to email support@key2.ca and request a new access code. Please provide your extension and name for your company so that we can change it. We will change it to the default access code. “224466”. Once we change it, we will reply informing you that it’s completed.

Your Voicemail

By default, your voicemail will say this is the mailbox of “your extension” please leave a message after the tone. You’ll most likely want to change this.

To access your voicemail there are two options. The first option is to hit the mailbox icon on your phone or dial your own extension. Once in, it will ask you to input your access code. X


1-Hear your Messages

  1. Start reverse playback
  2. Stop/Resume playback
  3. Start fast-forward playback
  4. Hear the message again
  5. Play message with envelop information (date, caller-ID)
  6. Move or copy: To move a message, press 1. To copy the message, press 2. To record a comment, press 3.
  7. Delete
  8. Call Back: To confirm callback, press1. To cancel the callback press *.
  9. Skip
  10. Help

2-Change Your PIN

Enter your new access code. Use the access code

  1. Return to the main menu without using the new access code

3-Record Your Name
Record your name and press the # sign. Then choose from the following options:

  1. Listen to the recording.
  2. Use recording.
  3. Record again.
  4. Delete recording.

4-Record a Greeting
Record your greeting* and press the # sign. Then choose from the following options:

  1. Listen to the recording.
  2. Use recording.
  3. Record again.
  4. Delete recording
    **You can record up to five greetings.

5-Record a Message
Record your message and press the # sign. Then choose from the following options:

  1. Move message
  2. Copy message

9-Select a Mailbox Greeting
Choose a greeting from the list provided by PBX. You can have up to five choices:

  1. Greeting 1
  2. Greeting 2
  3. Greeting 3
  4. Greeting 4
  5. Greeting 5

Users can access the voicemail system using any of the following methods:

Listen to the messages from your main phone: Dial *97 and press the confirm button on the telephone keypad or press the message button on your phone. (Another way to listen to your messages from your phone is by dialling your extension number.)

Listen to the messages from an outside phone:

  1. Dial into the main number.
  2. Once you hear the auto attendant recording, you’ll need to press 8 then your extension. Example. 8202
  3. Press the star * key; otherwise, you will be prompted to leave a message.
  4. Enter your voicemail PIN.

When users call their mailbox for the first time, they will be prompted to record their names. The recording will be used when someone calls their extension from the auto attendant. Users will also be prompted to record a greeting, which they can opt to use in place of their name. Once this has been established, anytime users call into their mailbox, the auto attendant will automatically recite their messages before delivering the prompts shown in the figure above (users can press the * key to skip their messages and go straight to the voice prompts).

Forwarding a Message

To forward a message to another recipient while listening to the message:

  1. Press 6.
  2. Press 1 to move the message to a single mailbox.
  3. Enter the extension number.
  4. Press #.

To copy a message to another recipient(s) while listening to the message:

  1. Press 6.
  2. Press 2.
  3. Enter the extension number. When copying to multiple extensions, separate them by the # sign.
  4. Press ## when finished.

Leaving Voicemail Messages

When users call another user, they have the option of receiving a callback (press 1) or leaving a message (press 2). Once they leave a message and press the # key, the options shown in the table below will be available.

  1. Delete the message.
  2. Record the message again.
  3. Mark the message as urgent.
  4. Mark the message as private.
  5. Send the message and go to the operator.
  6. Send the message and hang up.

Composing a New Message

Rather than leave a message directly on another user's voicemail, users have the option of composing a message and then moving it to another mailbox or copying it to multiple mailboxes.

  1. Call into your voice mailbox.
  2. If you have messages waiting, press * to skip to the main menu.
  3. Press 5 from the main menu.
  4. Record the message.
  5. Press the # sign.
  6. Select an action:
    • Press 1 to move the message to a single mailbox.
    • Press 2 to copy the message to one or more mailboxes. Use a # sign to separate multiple mailboxes.
    • Press 3 to mark it as urgent.
    • Press 4 to mark it as private.
  7. Press ## when finished.

Personal Greetings

Users can record up to five individual greetings. Greetings will remain on the system and can be activated whenever users need them.

Recording/Activating Personal Greetings

  1. Dial *98 followed by the first greeting number (*1).
  2. Press the confirm button on the telephone keypad.
    *98*1 Greeting 1
    *98*2 Greeting 2
    *98*3 Greeting 3
    *98*4 Greeting 4
    *98*5 Greeting 5
    If users need to re-record a greeting, they can activate the greeting and record again (i.e., dial *98*6 followed by the confirm button to re-record message 6).
    Greeting 0 is the initial greeting that was activated at the time the user set up the voicemail box.
  3. To activate a greeting, users must dial their extension number, press 9, and select the greeting they want to use (* will bring the user to the main menu of the mailbox.)

Hearing your Personal Greetings

  1. Call into your voice mailbox.
  2. Press * to skip to the main menu.
  3. Press 9 from the main menu to hear your recorded greetings.

How to access the reception voicemail from your phone

For this to happen, we must give you permission to access the voicemail. By default, you can’t access the voicemail.

In this example, we will assume your reception phone mail is extension 200. If your reception is a different number, we will provide that number to you. You can also check the reception phone and in the top left of the screen, it will say what extension number it is.

Steve is the owner and his extension is 206, he wants to check the voicemail as Joe went on break and he knows there’s a voicemail waiting. From Steve’s phone, he can Dial 8 and then the reception number 200 together. Pick up the phone dial 8200 then send. Press the * key then input the passcode. The default is 224466. If this was changed, you’d need to talk to the person that changed it. Then after you put the access code in, you can listen to the prompts on how to listen to calls and forward etc.

How to place a call on hold

There are two options on how you wish to place a call on hold. A regular hold is for your extension only, a Call Park or Park Orbit is where you wish you place a call on hold and allow someone else to pick it up on any phone in your business.

The first option is – Place a call on hold for your phone only. Meaning you are on a call, someone walks in and you want to place the call on hold to deal with the customer that just walked in. When you are on a call you’ll see a button on your screen that says Hold. Press that button to place the call on hold, then press the Resume where the Hold button was, to talk to the same person as before. During this time, they will hear royalty-free music created by the phone system.

The second option is – Place a call on hold, so someone else in the office can pick it up. When on a call Press the Transfer or Trans button (depending on the screen size on your phone it will either show as Trans or Transfer. Then press 701 or 702 then Send. 701 is the first Call Park then 702 is the second one. Then on your phone, you will see the Call Park1 or Park1 go from a green button to red. Then you can inform someone that there is a call for them on 701 or 702. Depending on the size of your company, you will either have 1 or 2 Call Park / Park buttons or as many as 10.


How to do conference calls

First, you will need to be on a call with someone. That can be someone outside of the office or internal. While on the call you will see a button on your screen that will say either Conference or Conf. Press that button then dial the other party's extension or phone number and then as soon as they pick up they will be placed into the conference call. You should also see other buttons to manage the conference and split the calls at any time.

Manage – You can mute someone in the conference or remove one person from the conference
Split – Separate the calls so that you can talk to one person at a time. This can also be used to split the conference just before the end so that you can continue the call with someone in the conference. This way you do not have to redial them.

Another function for Split is to split the call with your current conference, then you want to continue the call with Person B, drop the call with Person A then start a new conference with Person C.

How to transfer a call to someone else

You get a call and that person wants to talk to Steve in Accounting. Steve is extension 202. While on the call press the Transfer or Trans button on your phone, press 202 then Send. This will then transfer the call directly to Steve. After you press send, you can hang up the phone.

Auto Attendant

If your inbound calls, go directly to a recording that’s an Auto Attendant. You can change the recording at any time from the Reception phone. By default, the Reception phone is 200, but if your company uses a different extension, we will assign that extension with access to change this.

By default, we set up two different Auto Attendants, one for daytime and the other as the night service.

To change the daytime recording from the Reception phone press *98555 then listen to the prompts to do the recording. When done recording, press the headset button on the phone with your hand. Do not hang up the headset on the phone. The recording will record that hang-up sound.

To change the nighttime recording from the Reception phone press *98556 then listen to the prompts to do the recording. When done recording, press the headset button on the phone with your hand. Do not hang up the headset on the phone. The recording will record that hang-up sound.

With the Auto Attendant, you can have options like press 1 for Sales, press 2 for Customer Service. We do not set any options. If you want some options set, you’ll need to email support@key2.ca and provide the details and we will apply them to the Auto Attendant(s).

Example of a Day Time Recording. Thank you for calling ACME Company. If you know your party’s extension, please enter it at any time. For Sales Press 1, for Service Press 2. For Reception Press 0.

Example of Nighttime Recording. Thank you for calling ACME Company. Our office is closed for the day. Our regular business hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. If you know your party’s extension, please enter it at any time. For Sales Press 1 for Service Press 2. For our general mailbox press 0.


After-hours Auto Attendant

You have requested that after a certain time in the day that all calls get directed to an auto attendant where you want a customized recording.

Standard setup is the example “Thank you for calling ACME company. We are closed for today. If you would like to leave us a message press 1, if your call is urgent please press 2 and you’ll be directed to the first available person.” Your recording can be whatever you want it to be. You must inform us what you want to be done so that we can have the same options on the system.

Press 1 it will go to the General Mailbox in the company unless you requested a different option.
If they Press 2, it will go to someone's mobile number automatically. The customer will not know who they are calling. The call on the receiver’s end will show your Company's name. Susan deals with all the urgent calls after a certain time, the calls will be directed to her mobile and it will show ACME Company calling, not the caller.

If you wish to change the order or add/remove options, you must let us know. Please email support@key2.ca and provide the details you want to change. Since you’re on VoIP you have a lot of options. Please reach out to us and explain what you want to do, and we will let you know if that option can be done. We will figure it out for you remotely, no on-site visit needed.

If you don’t want an after-hours auto attendant, we can set it up to do a different recording and go to the voicemail of your choosing.

Need Support

You have read through all of this and still have a question. What are your next steps? You can call us between 9 am and 5 pm for remote tech support. If your request is urgent you can dial 611 from any of your phones that are connected to our system and it will call our number. Once you hear the recording you can Press 1 for Customer Service.

If your request is not urgent you can email us at support@key2.ca. Please provide your company name, your extension or the extension in question you’re calling about and we will look into your request ASAP.


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