Teams - Adding a new users after first time installation

1 min. readlast update: 05.17.2024

Similar to the first time set up, when adding a new user you'll need to connect to PowerShell and connect to Teams CLI.



Then you'll need to add the user **Make sure the PolicyName matches your existing PolicyName. Our first document might have used the PolicyName Usage1.

Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "" | fl RegistrarPool
Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity -PhoneNumber "$ext_number_of_user" -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity "" -PolicyName "Policy1"

Where it says -PhoneNumber, you will need to enter the user's extension number.

This will verify the policy for the user.
Get-CsOnlineUser "" | select OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy

Everything should be completed now.

If the user is logged into Teams, they will need to log out of Teams and log back in. Then they should be able to make/receive calls through Teams.



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