Registering on the Multi-Cell Phone

1 min. readlast update: 05.17.2024

How to Register a Multicell Phone to the system.

Step 1. Press the 3 Lines button just above the hangup button.

Step 2: Use the circular pad(where the yellow box is) to the right to where it says Connectivity. It should be the top right corner of the screen with the circle with some coloured dots on it.

Enter is the center button.


Step 3: Select Register then press the center button or press select


Step 4: Select the first one where it says Empty

Then press select or the enter button.


Step 5: It will ask for an Access Code: the default one is 0000 or 1234 if that does not work

Then press OK or the enter button


Step 6. It will say Registering. Please give it up to 60 seconds to connect.



Make sure you're near one of the Multicell units when doing this. After it registers, it should show your ext on the phone. And the time/date will update on the phone as well.

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