How to Park a Call

2 min. readlast update: 05.03.2024

If you migrated from a system with a line appearance, this feature will replace that. With a SIP or VoIP system, they no longer have a line appearance. It was replaced with Park. Some older systems had this feature as well. With this feature you'd say "Tim Park 1, please", rather than Tim, can you pick up line 1 please. 

If you need to park a call for someone else to pick up or park a call due to another person calling in and you don't want to miss the call, you would Park the call.

The phones have a hold button, but that hold button is typically used for a quick hold of maybe 5-30 seconds. When you place a call on hold, only you can retrieve the call and you might lose the call if you hold the call for an extended period. 

When you park a call, you're doing two things. First, you're allowing the call to be parked for someone else to pick up and sending that call to a private extension where they will hear hold music. With that, the call will not drop unless the client hangs up the call. 

While on a call, the only thing you need to do is press one of the Park buttons that is supplied. 

The Park button will change from Green to Red. Then, you can retrieve the call or ask someone else to pick up the call. Jennifer, please pick up Park 1. Tim from Apple is calling.


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