Force renewal of your IP address

2 min. readlast update: 06.26.2024

We might request you to release/renew your IP address. The task is very simple to do.


First, click on start, then type cmd


Then, you can click on Command Prompt or click on Open.

Then, once you do that, a black window will show up.


Then, what you'll want to type is the following

ipconfig /release

Then press enter

***Note: You will lose all internet access when you do this. If you're downloading something, it will stop.

Then, to renew your IP address, type the following

ipconfig /renew

Then press enter

Then the window might pause for a second; then you'll see a bunch of new information show up on your screen.

If you notice, when you did the /release, it removed an IP address, then when we did
/renew, it will show you have an IP Address and a Gateway.

If we requested you to do this due to a DNS change, please type the following.

ipconfig /all

Then press enter

Depending on whether you have WiFi on your computer or not, you might have to look for the proper network card. Look for the one that is labelled Ethernet Adapter Ethernet. 

Wireless cards will be labelled as Wireless LAN Adapter

You can scroll up or down in the black window as needed with your mouse wheel button, or on the right side, there is a slider.

We might ask you to verify the DNS server, and we will say you should see this IP address where it says DNS Servers. Does it match? Then you just confirm with us.



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