Converting MP3 to WAV for Auto Attendant or Voicemail Greetings

2 min. readlast update: 05.17.2024

If you have an MP3 file that you want to use for your Auto Attendant, Voicemail, or Music on hold you'll need to convert the file to wav format. You'll also need to change some settings for the file before you convert. To do this we are going to use a free online tool from

Once you go to that page you'll see this.

Find your wav files and drop them where it says Choose Files.

Once you drag them over it will show this.

You'll want to click on one of the gears beside where it says WAV

Change the following

Audio Channels to Mono (1.0)
Frequency to 8000hz
Make sure you select apply to all conversions so that it will apply the settings to all your files

Then click on Convert. It will say you're only allowed to do 2 at a time. This is fine even if you have 5 files you want to convert.

Once the first two files are done, download each of them before hitting convert again.

If you did not download the files in the previous screen you'll need to redo them. It's best to download the first two files and then convert the remaining files.

The next window will only show 1 file to download.

Keep repeating until you have converted all your files. Then log in to the phone system, and look for the option where you want to upload the file.

Here I'll show you an auto-attendant

Click on the Browse button and locate the file on your computer.

Then click on Save. If you see a check mark when you click on Save that means it's good. The check mark will disapear after 5 seconds.

If you click on IVR at the top of the page it will refresh then where you uploaded the file you'll see a play/delete icon.

You can click on play to listen to the recording.

If you hear the recording you're done. You can move on to the next file.



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