Open up Chrome.
Click on the 3 dots in the top right-hand corner of Chrome. Go down to Extensions, then Manage Extensions
Then once you get to the Chrome web store for extensions, type vodia in the search box.
Then you should see the following.
Click on the Click to Dial then add to Chrome
Once it's installed, it's possible you have a bunch of other plugins enabled so it might not show. To show the Vodia Plugin Click on the puzzle piece in the top right area.
Then click on the Pin to show the Vodia Click to Dial Plugin
You'll only need to do this once per computer. Click on the Vodia Click to Dial Plugin then you'll see a spot to enter some details. You'll need your Welcome Email from the phone system.
From your welcome email, it will be shown as the URL for Logging in:
An example will be You must include https:// without it, it will not work.
Account is your extension number.
Your password will be "Password for your extension" from the welcome email.
Then press the enter key after entering the password then it will be saved. Then click off from the plugin.
When on a website and you find a phone number you want to call, highlight it and then right click on it.
You'll see Click to Dial, then move your mouse over it, then you'll have the option to Call from Browser or your Deskphone if you have one assigned to your extension.
You should get a pop-up on your screen with a dial pad. You might get a permission request to access your microphone, you must allow for this to work.
You should only have to do that once, then it will remember. **Note this is per computer, if you run this on a new computer you will have to allow it again. It will not transfer permissions between browsers.
After you click Allow your call will be connected. Then if you need to press a button for a menu etc you can press the buttons or End Call
You will need to reach out to your IT team for assistance with installing the plugin if they have set permissions or limits on your computer. If the plugin isn't responding please fully close Chrome and reopen and try making another call.