Changing a name on an Extension

2 min. readlast update: 05.17.2024

To edit an extension in your system you will first need to login to the portal.

After you login you will see Users at the top of the page


Click on users

Look for the extension you want to edit. Then click on the Pencil icon beside their name.

Change the fields you wish to change.



When you're done, Click on Save at the bottom of the page.


If you have a phone attached to this extension, the name should update on the phone as well. If it doesn't please follow the steps below to force a sync on your phone. Note some phones will reboot while other phones might just flash the screen off and on to resync.

To force your phone to update, while under the extension click on Phones


Then on the next window you will see the extension, device type, ip address, mac address and some options to edit the phone.


Click on the icon with the 3 gears on it.

It will confirm with you to edit button configuration for this phone


Click on Yes


Once on that page, at the bottom right click on the ^ arrow and a new sub menu will show.

Click on Save and resync.

This will force the phone to update.  Then your phones screen will flash or will reboot. After that the phone should show the proper name etc for that phone.

If you need to send a welcome email to the user to set up their voicemail etc, make sure you update their email under the Profile tab. After you have updated their email go ot the advanced tab and at the bottom you'll see an option to Send Welcome Email


Note that the Welcome Email is only valid for 24 hours before the link expires. When you send this, make sure your coworker is in the office and gets the email. If you do not receive the email after 5mins, please check your spam folder. If the link expires you can go back into the portal and resend it.

You can now close the portal and use the phone



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