Adding Extensions

2 min. readlast update: 05.17.2024

You have your call flow set up and you need to start setting up extensions.

If we set up everything for you, you should have received a welcome email from the system providing you with your password to log in to your extension to do any changes. Note your account or username will always be your extension number


The welcome email will look like this.

It will provide you with a voicemail pin, URL for the portal your password and a QR code if you wish to add your extension to your mobile device with the Vodia App.

When creating a new extension it will automatically send a welcome email to the user if you provided their email address.

If you're creating a new extension for a user, you must click on Extensions on the left side first. Default page when you login is to show all the extensions that is set up on the system.

If you have permission to create new extensions at the bottom of the page you'll see + | Add. Click on that and a new window will show on the screen.


Below you will see the options for creating a new extension.

Account number(s) will be the extension number

Everything else is pretty standard. You will need to supply a pin. This is the PIN code for their voicemail.


Once you're happy with everything, click on Create. This will create the extension and send the welcome email to the user if you provided an email address.




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